Hybrid Connectivity in AWS
Watch my Youtube video while explaining the hybrid connectivity i.e. the connectivity on-premises (remote) desktop machine to the AWS network.
The Steps and Class notes to configure the AWS and practical hands on lab.
Step1. Provision AWS Workspace remote windows desktop
Open AWS management console and search for AWS workspace
a. Choose Quick Setup
a.1 create user username firstname lastname email
b. standard windows 10 option (free tier eligible)
c. Copy the link and paste in Firefox browser that will take you to
Install Client for example windows
d. down load workspace software client for windows
e. Open workspace software add registration code in workspace software
f. login to workspace software using username and password
g. This will open your windows 10 desktop as a client desktop
h. create certificates
Go to mutual authentication
i. Open VPN Community Download
j. Use windows 64 installer
k. Customize the installer
use the path in D:dive
Open SSL certificate utilities - easyRSA 3 certificate Management Scripts
Click on Install
l. run the commands one by one in CMD prompt
whenever its prompted to servername : vpnserver
Now, note - Use Region as North California us-west-1
Go to AWS Certificate
Import Certificate
Use the Certificate from AWS workspace installation to register the server and client corticate
into the AWS certificate manager
Create VPN Endpoint
Download Client Configuration and copy the content
Create File in AWS workspace windows desktop while ciopying the configuration content
Save the file as clientconfig.ovpn
add the certficate and key path --cert and --key path
--cert "D:\\Program Files\\OpenVPN\\easy-rsa\\pki\\issued\\client1.domain.tld.crt"
--key "D:\\Program Files\\OpenVPN\\easy-rsa\\pki\\private\\client1.domain.tld.key"
Open the VPN GUI
Import the file above
Click on connect to see the connected successfully
Create an EC2 Instance in North California us-west-1
Use the Private IP of EC2 instance
Try to ping to this
IF the ping succeeds then it means we are able to connect successfully.
note: you can follow the below steps for configuration of certificate as per the requirement Linux or Windows server.
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