Abinitio Interview Question 5

Watch my YouTube video for explanation 

Please look into the class notes here for your references:

Following is a scenario: 
Transaction ID | Name | Transaction Amount | Address 
1 | ABC | 700 | A_1 
1 | CDE | 500 | A_2 
1 | EFG | 300 | A_3 
1 | GHI | 900 | A_4 

2| LMN | 300 | B_1 
2| OPQ | 900 | A_B2

Qa. find the maximum transaction amout of a cutomer ID

Key = Transaction ID


Qb. Will rollup make sure that in the o/p the value of the 
remaining fields like Name and Address will exactly 
be the same ? 

For ID = 1, will I get the Name as "GHI" and Address as
 "A_4" ? 

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