Abinitio Reformat - RunTime Behaviour

 Abinitio Reformat - Run Time Behavior

Watch my you tube channel for the explanation:


Be mindful that each out port has corresponding error and reject port, the record will be redirected to these ports based on the action generated in the respective transform of the associated output port.

1. Reformat reads the record

2. if select is defined then , if select return True then record goes further else dropped out to be no where be caught , If select expression OR select transform results into NULL then graph does error out and stops execution

3.  if select is not defined then input records further processed

4.  now it turns to pass from transform function

  a. if output index or output indexes are not defined then record will be send to all output ports

b. if any of these functions defined then the record will be route from that respective port and send across to the respective out put port.

In case of both parameters defined( i.e. we have both output index and output indexes configured then

output indexes takes priority over output index.

5. if any error comes then the respective error and reject port can receive the error and rejected record due to the error, this depends on the configuration of Reject Threshold and Ramp. Limit.

   if selected Never abort , if reject and error port are connected to output then all rejected and error will be captured and component does not fail.

 if selected Never abort , if reject and error port are not connected to output then all rejected and error will be discarded and component does not fail.

if Abort on First Reject then the first error will result in graph abort.

if Ramp/Limit will be used then the graph will process depending on the percentage of the input records

and then it fails , if the entire processing is within the limit then it does not fail. we can capture the error and reject while connecting the ports.

Try to test while you have proper AbInitio licensed software. All above explanation is according to my work experience.

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