Batch vs Continuous Graphs in Abinitio - A Revision

                             Batch vs Continuous Graphs in Abinitio - A Revision

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Batch vs Continuous Graphs in Abinitio - A Revision We will talk about below- a. Batch versus Continuous

long running , wait | continuous running , real time response best for analytical application | best for real time transactional applications run limited no of times a days | can run forever of can shutdown/stop at specified time b. Type Of Continuous Graphs

a.  request/response 

b.  publish/subscribe
c. Continuous Graph is used when?

1. input is not a fixed set of data but a regular flow , perhaps coming at rates near real time

2. results are need to be made available before the large batch of data accumulate; low latencies 
  are desired
3. the overhead of graph startup and shutdown to process small batch of incoming data dominates 
   processing time
4. recovery model suggests it - you need to recover based on group of records, 
not based on groups of components ( phases)    this can be case the amount of work per record is 
5. your application design is inherently continuous , for example service graph

for example,

SORT ,  sorts the records within each unit of work.
Roll Up (in-memory), produces the output based on each unit of work
Data base components , data base commit happens at the end of each unit of work

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