
Building Header/Body/Trailer Data In Abinitio

 In Some situations you need to transform data from a homogeneous format to header, body and trailer format.For example, If data from the graph are fed back to the legacy system. The Youtube video can be watched here: For example , input data is sample as follows: We have lets say 8 records in input data, it could be many more records based on the requirements.             The DML defined for this data as below: record string("\t") Transaction_ID=NULL(""); string("\t") CustNM=NULL(""); string("\t") Trans_Date=NULL(""); string("\t") ProductName=NULL(""); string("\t") Quantity=NULL(""); string("\n") Transaction_Amt =NULL(""); end;  note: records are based on Transaction_ID and CustNM i.e. we need to produce the header /boy /trailer based on Transaction_ID and CustNM.     Lets decide what columns we try to keep in each sections, for example here:   Header Transaction_ID,...